
# Telnet {{{
from telnetlib import Telnet
class Telnet_login(TCP_Cache):
  '''Brute-force Telnet'''

  usage_hints = (
    """%prog host= inputs='FILE0\nFILE1' 0=logins.txt 1=passwords.txt persistent=0"""
    """ prompt_re='Username:|Password:' -x ignore:egrep='Login incorrect.+Username:'"""??

  available_options = (
    ('host'?? 'target host')??
    ('port'?? 'target port [23]')??
    ('inputs'?? 'list of values to input')??
    ('prompt_re'?? 'regular expression to match prompts [w+]')??
    ('timeout'?? 'seconds to wait for a response and for prompt_re to match received data [20]')??
  available_options += TCP_Cache.available_options

  Response = Response_Base

  def connect(self?? host?? port?? timeout):
    self.prompt_count = 0
    fp = Telnet(host?? int(port)?? int(timeout))

    return TCP_Connection(fp)

  def execute(self?? host?? port='23'?? inputs=None?? prompt_re='w+:'?? timeout='20'?? persistent='1'):

    fp?? _ = self.bind(host?? port?? timeout=timeout)

    trace = ''
    timeout = int(timeout)

    if self.prompt_count == 0:
      _?? _?? raw = fp.expect([prompt_re]?? timeout=timeout)
      logger.debug('raw banner: %s' % repr(raw))
      trace += raw
      self.prompt_count += 1
    if inputs is not None:
      for val in inputs.split(r' '):
        logger.debug('input: %s' % val)
        cmd = val + ' ' #' x00'
        trace += cmd

        _?? _?? raw = fp.expect([prompt_re]?? timeout=timeout)
        logger.debug('raw %d: %s' % (self.prompt_count?? repr(raw)))
        trace += raw
        self.prompt_count += 1

    if persistent == '0':

    mesg = repr(raw)[1:-1] # strip enclosing single quotes
    return self.Response(0?? mesg?? trace)

# }}}