DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `t_girl`.`sp_get_article`$$
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`% PROCEDURE `sp_get_article`(IN f_category_id int,
IN f_page_size int, IN f_page_no int
set @stmt = 'select a.* from article as a inner join ';
set @stmt = concat(@stmt,'(select a.aid from article as a ');
if f_category_id != 0 then
set @stmt = concat(@stmt,' inner join (select cid from category where cid = ',f_category_id,' or parent_id = ',f_category_id,') as b on a.category_id = b.cid');
end if;
if f_page_size >0 && f_page_no > 0 then
set @stmt = concat(@stmt,' limit ',(f_page_no-1)*f_page_size,',',f_page_size);
end if;
set @stmt = concat(@stmt,') as b on (a.aid = b.aid)');
prepare s1 from @stmt;
execute s1;
deallocate prepare s1;
set @stmt = NULL;
[root@localhost ~]# mysqlslap --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql-maria/my.cnf --concurrency=25,50,100 --iterations=1 --query='call t_girl.sp_get_article(2,10,1);' --number-of-queries=5000 --debug-info -uroot -p -S/tmp/mysql50.sock
Enter password:
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 3.507 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.507 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.507 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 25
Average number of queries per client: 200
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 3.742 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.742 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.742 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 50
Average number of queries per client: 100
Average number of seconds to run all queries: 3.697 seconds
Minimum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.697 seconds
Maximum number of seconds to run all queries: 3.697 seconds
Number of clients running queries: 100
Average number of queries per client: 50
User time 0.87, System time 0.33
Maximum resident set size 0, Integral resident set size 0
Non-physical pagefaults 1877, Physical pagefaults 0, Swaps 0
Blocks in 0 out 0, Messages in 0 out 0, Signals 0
Voluntary context switches 27218, Involuntary context switches 3100
mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info |
| 3177 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3178 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3179 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3181 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3180 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3182 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3183 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3187 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | removing tmp table | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3186 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3194 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3203 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | deallocate prepare s1 |
| 3221 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3222 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3223 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3224 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | removing tmp table | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3225 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
| 3226 | root | % | t_girl | Query | 0 | NULL | select a.* from article as a inner join (select a.aid from article as a inner join (select cid from |
55 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[root@localhost ~]# mysqlslap --defaults-file=/usr/local/mysql-maria/my.cnf --concurrency=25,50,100 --iterations=1 --create-schema='t_girl' --query='call sp_get_article(2,10,1);' --number-of-queries=5000 --debug-info -uroot -p -S/tmp/mysql50.sock